Monday, July 18, 2016

Autonomous Car Implications Part 1

Transportation as we know it will be radically changing in the next few decades. The autonomous automobile is going to forever change the driving arena. This two-part series discusses implications and raises questions and theories of the impact to all of our lives. There are a myriad of issues the public may not have considered before. However, behind the scenes great minds are formulating the technology and procedures to bring this new age of transportation.

The AutoCar/Ecar/iCar will be a fully automated transportation device with a host of external AND internal monitoring systems. Take all this in, and start thinking how the non-AutoCar/Ecar owner will be incorporated and accepted. New rules and operating laws will be written all in the name of safety and efficiency. Current safety concerns will potentially plummet if interface and programming is done correctly. The fatality rate will eventually be below the airline industry. Will all the benefits cause a prejudice against the independent self-drivers? Will law enforcement target self-drivers for possible infractions more often?

Law Enforcement will need far fewer resources tied up with accident responses. Crime will decrease due to crime response improving even with overworked/over budget departments.

Consider the following:
The Car: It will have interior occupant sensors, cameras, GPS and cellular for navigation and emergency purposes, exterior cameras to monitor traffic and electric motors for steering, door opening, etc. There will be plenty of gasoline for many years, but how many internal
combustion cars will be AutoCar/Ecars?

Fully tinted windows will be allowed – because emergency responders will be able to remotely activate bright interior lights and receive occupant counts or even identification via the cameras. Remember, the technology is there, it’s just a matter of adding software code and the equipment.

Will differences in routing be an inconvenience? Recently a route from Google Maps to a BMW navigation system gave two different routes to the same destination. When giving verbal directions, just wait until road, tire and wind noise cause the spoken words to be misunderstood just like they are now with Bluetooth voice dialing.

Ownership: The owner must show authorization to command the car to travel OR provide authorization for a passenger. Will owners charge others with rates less than a taxi? How will that be monitored? Will we have to register our work and home addresses? Will “Big Brother”
monitor the use? Or, will there be an option for income generation for allowing the vehicle to be used for a taxi? How many will take advantage of that and suffer from smokers, litterers, vandals and who knows what else?

Occupant considerations: All occupants, including pets will be required to be safely secured or belted in. At any time a passenger is unbelted the vehicle will immediately slow and pull over to a safe area and come to a stop. All passengers will have emergency button/alarm access. If at any
time the button or alarm is activated, not only will the vehicle come to stop, the authorities will automatically be alerted, contact the vehicle occupants via video conference and know the location of the vehicle via GPS and cellular signals. There will be serious fines for false alerts otherwise they will overwhelm the system due to sheer volume. Remember, eventually we’re talking about millions on the road at any time.

Will drinking and riding be allowed? Not if a driver override would be required. Now a breath analyzer aspect may get incorporated as well and one occupant of legal age will have to be sober. What is the penalty for drinking and riding if caught?

Passenger interaction: Eventually the technology will allow for non-driver interaction. At what point will that be allowed? Right now a front seat passenger must be present. What about special needs vehicles and the elderly? When do they get their personal car use? Weight and biometric sensors
will be in the seats so an occupant cannot nap in the back seat while the AutoCar/Ecar is driving until non-driver interaction is allowed.

Check out the Part 2 article regarding the driving considerations of commuting, city driving, accidents, etc.

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